On December 29, 2002, our friend Diana arranged for Thomas to join Austin and his family at the Gardner, Kansas airport to fly as part of EAA's Young Eagles program. All together, nine kids and some adults flew with Jim and Larry in their Piper Cherokees.
Thomas and Austin at the Gardner, Kansas Airport - "Best Little Airport In Kansas".
Andrew at the Office
Jim and Larry have a pre-flight talk with the Young Eagles-to-be. Larry has flown over 300 kids in the Young Eagles program.
Jim walks through the checkout of his Piper Cherokee Arrow.
Thomas in the Arrow with his headphones on. This is also a self-portrait of the photographer.
Larry taxis with his three Young Eagles.
Jim is ready to taxi with his three Young Eagles.
Jim takes off. Gardner has the last turf runways in Johnson County, Kansas - this runway is 3240 feet long. The airport is at 1032 ft. elevation.
Larry's Piper Cherokee after the first flight.
Jim approaches the runway.
Jim lands his Piper Cherokee Arrow.
Jim taxis after his first flight. Notice the windsock - it was gusty.
(c) 2002 Dick Hodgman
For further information, contact Dick through http://www.hodgman.org/contact/
Last modified on 2003 January 11