We visited nine cemeteries and I have 32 images of inscriptions. This is the third set of inscriptions.
These are from Oak Hill and Old Cemeteries.
In Memory of Mr.
Ichabud Harding
who died Oct. ye
3rd 1794 in ye 73rd
year of his age
Let worms devour my wasting flesh
And crumble all my bones to dust
My God shall raise my frame anew
At the revival of the just.
In Memory of Mr.
Ephram Partridge who
entered Providence
College Sepr. 1787 &
died of a consumption
January 13th 1790 in
the 25th year of
his age.
Just stepping forward on the acting stage
A studious only son in youth full age
But soon his friends with their instructions kind
Hel*s*s & *s by deaths cold shroud confind.
Moses Thomson, Amy # 119, p. 45
Moses M. Thomson, Amy # 341, p. 46
In Memory of Lieut.
Moses Thomson who
died June the 24th
1794 in ye. 66th year
of his age. And also
Moses, Son of Lieut
Moses Thomson who
died in Stirbridge
with the small pox
In Oct ye 31st 1792
Keza Partridge, Amy p. 45
In Memory of
Mrs. Keza Thomson,
wife of Lieut. Moses
Thomson who died
Oct. the 31st 1794
In the 51st year
of her age
Eleazer Thomson was Amy #27, p. 21, died Medway, MA, 9 Feb 1754, aged 49 years. Is this tombstone his?
Here Lies
The B[ody]
Of Mr. El[eazer?]
Amy lists Timothy Thomson #334 pp. 92, 193, married Lydia Burnham, with four children born in Medway, MA, but lists no Silas.
In Memory of
Silas son of Ti-
mothy Thomson
& Lydia his wife w-
ho died ***
Joseph Thomson (Amy # 81, pp. 33-34)
In memory of
Joseph Thomso-
n who died Jan.
19 1801 in ye.
[6]8 year of
his age.
Hannah Wight (Amy p. 9), wife of John Thomson (Amy #7, p. 9)
Hear Lies The
Body of Hannah
Thompson The
Wife of John
Thompson Died
November 24d
1759 Ae. 93.
(c) 2002 Dick Hodgman
For further information, contact Dick through http://www.hodgman.org/contact/
Last modified on 2003 January 24