
The preparation and writing of this history has required considerable time and effort on the part of the authors. That time and effort should not pass without acknowledgment and without a statement of appreciation. Thus, the Hodgeman County Centennial Committee takes this means of expressing to Margaret Haun Raser and Ina Rumford our sincere appreciation for their efforts in the preparation of this booklet. Mrs. Raser devoted many hours in research and assembling the data. Mrs. Rumford spent many hours in editing the material and assisting Mrs. Raser prepare the final draft. Recognition should also be extended to C. L. (Bud) Hubbell for assembling the pictures. Because of limitations on time and space, many interesting and historical events have been omitted. This the publishers regret.

Preparation for the Hodgeman County Centennial Celebration has required the work and assistance of many groups and individuals. It certainly appears that this would be an appropriate place to acknowledge the works of these organization and individuals. The success of the Hodgeman County Celebration must be attributed to the members of: The Jetmore and Hanston Lions Clubs; The Jetmore Chamber of Commence; The Odd Fellow and Rebecca Lodges; Hodgeman County Ministerial Alliance; The Jetmore Saddle and Roping Club, Inc.; The Sashay Club; The Hodgeman County Jaycees; The American Legion and V. F. W.; The Hodgeman County Historical Society; and The Hodgeman County Centennial Committee.

To all of these groups and the individuals who contributed to the success of the celebration and to the business and professional people of the County who contributed their time and money, this History is dedicated.

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