We left Bismarck just after 11 AM and arrived in Sioux City around 7:30 PM.
We left Bismarck just after 11 AM and arrived in Sioux City around 7:30 PM.
The Jamestown, North Dakota rest stop. Note the public art above the plate glass windows. Also, the photographer is reflected in the lower right pane.
We slowed for construction of these cuts in the right lane of I-94. What are they for?
We planned to eat outside Fargo just off the Interstate. There were plenty of signs advertising restaurants. However, after we headed south on I-29 we found that the restaurants must have been on the continuation of I-94 east. By the time we were sure, we were too far south to go back.
Finally we made it to Wahpeton, North Dakota. It was 10 miles east of I-29, on the Bois de Sioux River just west of Breckenridge, Minnesota. We found a Subway sandwich shop, where we ate a familiar meal. It was nearly 3:00 PM, a bit later than we wanted to eat.
We rejoined I-29 and continued south to South Dakota. We found this sign at a rest stop just into South Dakota. Detail
Glacial Lakes Rest Area, South Dakota
Part of the Whetstone Valley, to the north
Copyright (C) 2003 by Dick Hodgman.
If you would like a large format copy of an image, contact Dick through http://www.hodgman.org/contact/
Last modified on 2003 July 17