We arrived in Sioux City near 8:00 PM and found a room and ate dinner at Garfields. We arranged to visit with Aunt Hallie Wednesday morning at her farm in Luton.
We arrived in Sioux City near 8:00 PM and found a room and ate dinner at Garfields. We arranged to visit with Aunt Hallie Wednesday morning at her farm in Luton.
The Comfort Inn at the Southern Hills.
Dick's father, grandparents, and great-aunt and great-unkle are buried in Graceland Park Cemetery, in the Morningside district of Sioux City, Iowa.
The Yockey / Hodgman / Firth burial site is in the Mt. Olive section of Graceland, near Bohart. Before Unkle Arch had the large stone erected, our locator was always Bohart.
Thomas by Yockey / Hodgman.
GPS Coordinates N 42°27.458' W 96°20.830' altitude 1296 ft
I found this memorial in the Laurel Section of Graceland Park.
"Our Little Angel" - she lived only 38 minutes.
Copyright (C) 2003 by Dick Hodgman.
If you would like a large format copy of an image, contact Dick through http://www.hodgman.org/contact/
Last modified on 2003 July 17