Design Associates

Design Associates is Dick Hodgman's management consulting business. It specializes in computer product development.

Dick founded Design Associates in 1991 when he and his family moved from Silicon Valley to Kansas City. Dick has worked for both large and small firms, handling assignments in product development and project management.

Projects have included microprocessor based instruments and RISC-based PCs. Dick has defined management processes to help a major development division of a Fortune 500 computer company achieve ISO-9001 registration. Dick also put that client's ISO Quality Management System Binder on the Internet at an internal web site.

Most recently, Dick worked with a client that develops computer systems to adapt its product development process to significantly shorter cycles. Based on the client's organization and business needs, Dick documented a model to enhance the effectiveness of their core teams. This model was then incorporated into a facilitated core team kickoff workshop.

For further information, you can contact Dick through

Last modified on 2003 January 09

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